Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Recycling At Its Best!

Doing a bit of tinkering yesterday, inspired by a book I borrowed recently from the library.  Titled "D.I.Y. Design it yourself" and edited by Ellen Lupton, I chanced upon this page . . .

The section in this book was about altering your store bought clothes to get a "custom-cut t-shirt".

So I rummaged through my t-shirts and pulled out this used and abused blackie which I wore under clothes over Winter

Please forgive the slight skankiness - wishing I had Photoshop about now.  Anyways, got out the scissors and had a go.  I thought, something ventured, something gained.  And if it wasn't to work out, no big loss.  So the result:

I have a new-ish top!! I tried it on a few times through the process to see where adjustments needed to be made, and all in all, I am pretty happy!  Even if it is just a bang around the house kind of top, that suits me fine.  The money in my wallet can now go towards more coffee! Yum.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen a few websites where people have scavenged op shops and bought old clothes etc and pulled them apart for the material and made new clothing!!! fascinating & clever stuff.
