Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Fate or Destiny?

Do you believe that our lives are based on Fate and events happen to us whether planned or not? Or do you believe in Destiny, that we all create our own and it is up to the individual on how their life is lived? I have for a long time believed we create our own destiny, life is what you make it.  There is no such thing as luck or chance, just windows of opportunity that open fleetingly for us to grab.

Lately I have been wondering . . .
Last Friday I sat at the computer and googled "Textile Design".  I don't know why.  A Diploma course popped up and intrigued, I had a look.  It looked good.
Saturday morning the neighbours dropped in the newspaper for us to read, and I sat down with a coffee to discover "second chance" offers at TAFE and Uni courses.  My mind twigged, and I scanned the pages to find the course I had been looking at had positions available.
My mind became so absorbed while sitting outside with the children playing in the sand, they could have created a three tier wedding cake and I wouldn't have batted an eye.
Today I have been ahming and ahhing about these events.  On a whim I asked my lovely sister to print out the application forms for the course, and she dropped them around tonight on her way home from work.
My dilemma is this.  Do I plunge in and take the chance at what feels like a dream opportunity? My confidence wavers.  Can I do it?  With two small children? Part of me wants to take the risk of feeling failure if I don't get accepted, and feel the potential fear of success if I actually do!!

I am laying myself bare here, kind of sending it into the atmosphere.
This blog started as another whim that felt right and now has become something of a lifeline of creativity.  I want to inspire others.  I would love to pass on the excitement and enthusiasm I feel for being a mum, doing craft and sewing, all things decorating and colour.
Doing this Diploma feels like an extension of that.  What a life it would be if I could design and produce my own fabric lines, and create craft/quilt patterns to use them with!

Any advice???

"Leanika" by Dena Designs

So I was trawling the internet instead of doing something productive, and discovered this fabric range that I had to show you.  Designed for Free Spirit Fabrics by Dena Designs, the range is called "Leanika".  It is so whimsical and pretty, and appeals to the bird lover in me - love the bird motif!!
Aren't the colours fresh and pretty?!

I am a big fan of these design motifs

I saved my favourite till last - love love love it!!  Now, if I only I had the money, time and pattern . . .
If you would like to see more of this range, or other Free Spirit Fabrics, click here

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Loch Quilt Display

Last Sunday we went for a trip to a tiny country village called Loch, located in South Gippsland, Victoria.
I had never visited this area before and loved the little town; it is small but full of character and very pretty.
Loch has an annual "Quilt Hanging" day, when they display quilts made by the locals down the main street.  Festooned from shop fronts, in windows and even in the Fire Brigade Station, it really is a colourful sight!

The talent of the quiltmakers is very obvious here, there was such an array of different styles, techniques and colour selection.  What an inspiration!

How did those two cutie-pies get in the pics? ;)
The driving force behind this display is a local quilt shop called "Quilter's Barn".  It is something of an institution, having originated in the barn of a local farmer and gradually expanding to the current premises on the main street.  Julie Wallace is the maven behind this enterprise, and from humble beginnings she has become a fabric designer, quilt designer, sought after guest speaker and successful business woman.

It so so great to see such success coming from a small country town, where too often these days they seem to be dominated by opp shops and boarded up windows.  What a fantastic woman Julie Wallace must be!
If you would like to see more of the Quilter's Barn, stop by here