Thursday, 31 December 2009

Oliver's Rocket

Here is a quilt I made for a friend's one year old boy.  It is called "Oliver's Rocket" which the mum wanted to be the central theme (Oliver's nickname IS Rocket!)

I borrowed much of the idea from one of my favourite books; "Material Obsession" written by Kathy Doughty and Sarah Fielke; and much of the fabric is from the Prints Charming range.  What beautiful material to work with!!  The actual rocket panel is screen printed by Prints Charming and I was aiming to follow the funky look with bright colours and patterns.

I hand quilted this one which was lots of fun, as the red stars have swirling patterns around them, and backed it with a beautiful bubble print that Oliver's mum particularly liked.

It was sad parting with it, but I know it went to a good home

Poppy Bear's Quilt

This is a little quilt a lovely girl asked me to make for her little teddy.  Her favourite colours are pink and purple, and I couldn't resist but to add some glitter spray.  What girl (or woman) doesn't love a bit of bling?!

The challenge was the little bear appliques, a first time for me; so please don't squint at your screens and look too closely.  There is also some trickiness associated with binding a small quilt - who would have known?!

Connor's Jungle

Well, the children are down for their afternoon nap and the pooch is gently snoring in the doorway (bless her).  All is right with the world . . .

Thought I would post a pic of a cot quilt I recently completed.  Made for my friend who knew she was having her third baby boy, I decided to do a spotty jungle theme.  It is called "Connor's Jungle", the first I have ever handquilted.  I wasn't sure the patience was in me to hand quilt, but discovered it to be thoroughly rewarding and an excuse to plant my bottom on the couch for a couple of hours every night.  Definitely a winter sport though . . .

Hair Tie-Dy

Well, today is the last day of the year and another hot one.  We had 20+ degrees last night and it already feels about 30C.  I think my Scottish descendency is secretly yearning for mild Summers and cold Winters.  Nothing beats snuggling up in front of an open fire with a quilt wrapped over your knees.

Here is a present I made for our little girl as a Christmas gift.  I call it a "Hair Tie-dy"!  I was inspired by a similar one in a Pottery Barn book I have.  It was very simple to make and holds the plethora of hair clips and accessories that Georgia has.  She is definitely into dressing the part, and who can blame her with all the cute trinkets out there?? Santa must have had a rough time deciding which ones to get her this year with all the choices.

Today I am endevouring to keep occupied inside.  I bought a little stack of cards this year called "50 Rainy Day Activities" which I think will come in very handy.  Lots of projects to do indoors that will keep us all amused.

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Summer Days (and Magoo)

It is a very hot 37C here today, and I can feel myself melting.  I cannot believe the end of another year (and decade) is almost here, each year moves faster and faster.  I think when you are a child every day goes on forever, but as you get older it's hard to keep up.

2009 was the year of completing projects. If you are like me, you have a stash of "projects" tucked away in drawers and boxes, ready to be started or even finished!  I vowed this year would be about finishing items which were hanging around, to allow more good stuff in!!

Unfortunately now Christmas has passed and there is nothing pressing to do, my eye is wandering towards a Summer project that will keep me occupied over the too hot days when most time is spent indoors.

This is "Magoo", pattern by Melly & Me

I made Magoo for our new niece, Gracie, born just before Christmas.  Her mum is a HUGE fan of monkeys, so I thought Magoo would suit perfectly.  He was lots of fun to make and suitably "neutral", as when I started him I wasn't sure whether the baby was a boy or girl!

Blog Newbie

Ok, I am back again

I can tell this blogging thing may be very addictive.  It is the strangest concept really, isn't it?! Kind of like a virtual diary that everyone can gaupe at.  I can see the fun though, already I am thinking of all the things I would love to put in here, my collective interests.  Not the bookwork I really should be doing now though, ha ha.

Will promise myself (anyone out there will bear witness), that not a scrap more will be done to this until the bookwork is complete!! The mind is free to wander though . . .

First Post

Hello world,

This is my very first post on a very scant looking blog.  Inspired by all the other blogs I have run into on the course of my internet craft searches, I am now attempting my two cents worth.

Lets hope I can suss out the mechanics of these things so we wont look so boringly naked!!

Hopefully I can get some pics loaded soon which will give you an idea of the loves of my life - in no particular order: my two beautiful children, my georgous pooch Millie, quilting, sewing of all descriptions, gardening and decorating our newly built home.  I am sure there is lots more I can't think of now but will add later on.

If you happen to run into me on your internet travels, I hope you are having a nice relaxing day in your world,
